Categories: Simple craftsUseful things

How to make a bird feeder from icecream sticks

With the onset of cold weather birds need our help, we can make a bird feeder from a variety of materials, fill it and hang out on the street. One of such materials are sticks of ice-cream, gather them enough, you can make unusual, and most importantly very easy bird feeder. Such crafts can be done very quickly, easily, and it is perfect for children of all ages – for kids from kindergarten and high school students.

Material that would be needed for crafts: icecream sticks (their number depends on what size you want the feeder – we have 36 pieces), glue and scissors.

First of all it is necessary to lay the foundation of our feeder, this take 13 sticks.

Once you have laid out the basis, apply glue to the two side sticks.

Glue them onto the base.

Apply glue on two more sticks to …

…and stick in the middle of the base for extra support.

Turn the base and glue two sticks perpendicular to the principal.

Glue two more sticks on the sides.

Cut one stick in half. Here kids can help parents.

Glue the two halves of the base as shown in the picture.

Apply glue to the four corners of the base and on the two halves.

Glue the new sticks on top.

You can glue the sticks as much as you want, the more sticks – the deeper feeder.

Once the feeder is completely dry, you can scoop the poop and hang out on the street.