Ideas for Easter: eggs with a beautiful effect

Easter holyday is coming, then you need to start doing a variety of crafts, gifts and just to paint eggs. If you’re looking for fresh ideas, then try this coloring Easter eggs – boiling with the addition of onion peel in non-standard way.

We need:

  • The eggs;
  • The onion peel;
  • The gauze;
  • The brilliant green.

Tear peel into small pieces.

Dip the egg into the water.

Take a wet egg in the husk. If a stick is bad, then we make by force.

Put on gauze and tightly tying. If husk somewhere shifted, correct with hands.

Cut the excess gauze

Put the cooking, adding a spoonful of salt in the water.

1-2 minutes before the end of cooking, add a vial of brilliant green. Do not worry for pan, brilliant green perfectly laundered.

Ready egg wash under cold water. Unwinding gauze and remove the husks.

Rinsed with water.

To make the eggs shine, you can smear them with vegetable oil.

Done! Another idea for Easter successfully implemented!