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How to DIY a Monster Pillow: funny Werewolf

Decorative pillows make any room more comfortable. Pillow in the form of a funny monster will be a suitable element of a child’s room or living room. This furry werewolf will appeal to both children and adults


To make pillow in the patchwork technique we need to stock up on different pieces of fabric. Also we need:

  • scissors;
  • needles for sewing;
  • thread;
  • needle;
  • sewing machine;
  • small square pillow;
  • album or notebook sheet;
  • chalk;
  • line;
  • Fabric adhesivec;
  • pencil.

We need different pieces of fabric: a simple piece of dark cotton will need for reverse side, multi-colored pieces of felt – for the application in the form of little faces, gray pile – for the front side. Don’t take a dense fabric, especially if your sewing machine is not professional.

Step 1. Remove the measurements with your existing pillow. Add 2 in (5 cm) on each side. It would seam allowances.

Transfer the measurements using chalk and a ruler on the pieces of fabric: fur and cotton.

Step 2: Prepare the layout of monster face. Don’t worry if you can’t draw. You can find cartoon pictures on the Internet or in children’s books and move them onto the paper or print.

Step 3. Apply the main part of the monster face into pieces of felt in different colors. Cut them out. You can also add other details, such as legs, bow or shorts.

Step 4. Cut all pieces, put them properly and sew a simple stitch. You can simply paste them using special glue for fabric, leaves no residue. But the pillow with visible seams looks better.

Step 5: Try the received part of the wolf muzzle on the front side airbags. Gently on the wrong side of them, apply glue and press firmly to fur cloth. In any case, do not use hot glue, it can seize ugly lumps and spoil the applique and fur.

Step 6. For the manufacture of monster trousers take a piece of cotton fabric with an interesting print. Cut a strip of suitable length and the desired height. Fabric cut and sew to the bottom of the pillow under the face. Pre-fold the edges of the fabric and iron them to get straight seams.

Step 7. Two main parts of the pillow cleave to each other. Corners cut diagonally as shown below.

Step 8. Sew the pillow, leaving one side.

Step 9. Insert the pillow into the pillowcase. The non-stitched part cleave sewing needles.


Step 10. Manually sew the pillow. If you want to make removable pillowcase, you can insert the zipper.

Funny homemade Monster pillow is ready!