Simple gifts for mum: Bracelet with black agate
Already thinking about gift for mum, but still have no ideas? We offer you to make simple handmade gift for mother’s day.
You will need:
- Beads of black agate;
- A variety of suspension;
- Lace.
Fold the cord in half and tie a knot, departing a little from the edge.
Begin to weave the bracelet, braiding “the knots of the snake”.
Add suspension. Leave a little and re-tie a double connection knot.
Threading two strands of lace in beads. Tie a double connection knot.
Add suspension and tie a knot.
Continue to weave the snake pattern. Then add beads agate, make double knot again.
Add Central pendant. Continue to weave.
In the end add the spring-lock. Tie a double knot, cut off the excess cord and seal the end.
Our simple gift for mum is ready!