Rapid manufacturing of simple (but cute) stamp for decoration of packaging bags.
Sometimes it is absolutely necessary to make a large amount of packing bags, for example, before the show, or the children’s birthday …
Sometimes it is absolutely necessary to make a large amount of packing bags, for example, before the show, or the children’s birthday …
Today I’ll show you how you can easily and quickly make a nice yellow cat from ordinary corks from wine and yellow …
With the onset of cold weather birds need our help, we can make a bird feeder from a variety of materials, fill …
There is nothing complicated to make simple crafts from plasticine with your child. Just a few steps and from the shapeless mass …
To create homemade stamps can use most unexpected materials. For example, how about cabbage or an eraser? And what you say about …
Looking for simple crafts to enjoy your kid? Try to make a paper tree. In advance to collect dry leaves (preferably Oak), …
You can make a large family of snails in a few minutes. Figures mothers, fathers and children are molded for 30 seconds …
Our Dragon has 3 heads, so we rolled up three green ball. You can use any other color. For example, take the …
First we need to choose some beautiful bottle or jar with a screw cap. Pour on a clean sheet of paper a …
Packing of shampoo can go in the trash or it can became a useful subject. All in your hands. Why not turn …
You can easily make your own stamps. You just need to cut the desired pattern on one side of stoppers. Now with …
Materials: glass jar with a tight lid on the twirled; white sea salt; Coloured salt for bath; Tools: Grinder; thin wooden wand-skewer; …
Simple and unusual accessory is the perfect complement for the decoration of gift cards. Addition of bicycle buttons can be used as …
Cones is a unique material to create amazing figures. You can do this craft with the children. This is a great way …
These bracelets made of strips of paper really like children and even – I suspect – many adults. Thought this crafts are …